JSM PCA Roll of Arbitrators up to date: 21.11.2014
A. Arbitrators enlisted without restriction of competence
Mgr. Slavomír Jančok, ACIArb. Mariánske námestie 26/53 I-A, SK-010 01 Žilina, Curriculum vitae
JUDr. Peter Beňo, Kremnická 28, SK-040 01 Košice, Curriculum vitae
JUDr. Iveta Reváková, Hliny 1419/16-3, 017 07 Považská Bystrica, Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Dominika Chabadová, Puškinova 16, SK-013 05 Belá, Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Lucia Gécziová, Borová 34, SK-010 07 Žilina, Curriculum vitae
6. Mgr. Jana Mináriková, Raková 870, 02351, Curriculum vitae
7. Mgr. Mária Balčiráková, Pionierska 383/14, 972 13 Nitrianske Pravno, Curriculum vitae
B. Arbitrators enlisted with restriction to disputes with an international element
Veeraraghavan Inbavijayan, B.L., MCIArb, G-2, Plot # 108, Majestic Colony Main Road,Valasarawakkam, Chennai 600 087 India, Curriculum vitae
Nodir M. Yuldashev, LLB/BA, Appt-34, house No.4, C-6, Yunusabad district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Curriculum vitae
Luljeta Plakolli-Kasumi, LL.M. Kalabria Kompleksi Lesna, Blok C1, No. 6/30, 10000 Pristina, Kosovo, Curriculum vitae
Alexander V. Korobeinikov, PhD, Baker and Mackenzie - CIS, Ltd, Samal Towers, 8th Floor, 97 Zholdasbekov Street, Samal-2, 050051 Almaty, Kazachstan, Curriculum vitae
- Dr. Eugen Salpius, FCIArb, Franz-Josef-Strasse 15, 5020 Salzburg,Rakúsko, Curriculum vitae, ( note: enlisted also for domestic austrian arbitration facilitated by JSM PCA or under JSM PCA Rules of Proceeding )
Sergiy Yuriyovych Gryshko, LL.M. C’M’S’ Cameron McKenna LLC, 38 Volodymyrska St., 01034, Kyiv, Ukraine, Curriculum vitae